Two Important Things Before Paying My Debt
Paying off your debt gives you a new lease on life. Only a few things are worse than owing an institution money and harassing you all the time to recover […]
The Benefits of Being Debt-Free
Having debt drains you financially and emotionally. In 2017, when I had $40k debt, I was also homeless and unemployed without any savings. Lawyers bombarded me every day, calling me […]
Improving Your Finances Requires Planning
Without a financial plan, you’re like a ship out at sea without a crew. The tides sway you in every direction, and it’s a matter of time before you’re a […]
The Most Important Lesson in Personal Finance
I’ve learnt many things since my homeless days. As simple as it is to tell somebody to live below their means, it’s not easy to fulfil that in reality. And […]
Remaining Motivated to Pay off Debt
Paying off debt is a gruelling process. It can feel like a never-ending journey that gets more arduous as time passes. I used to feel that way. The big difference […]
Rule no. 1 of Protecting Your Net Worth: Diversify
Keeping your eggs in one basket can result in theft or breakage of all of them. To reduce those risks, you should allocate the eggs to various baskets, placed in […]